Help for Ukraine

There are many people coming from Ukraine to Germany to get help. When you arrive in Bamberg, you’ll find all important information right here.

Contents on this page


Status under aliens law - Ausländerrechtlicher Status

Ukrainian citizens in Germany can stay here visa-free for a maximum of 90 days. After these 90 days they can apply for further 90 days at the foreigners’ registration office. (Ausländerbehörde)

It is planned by the federal government to grant a right of residence for refugees from Ukraine. First, it is supposed to be limited to two years. There is a possibility to elongate the stay to a maximum of three years.

Displaced persons from Ukraine do not have to go through an asylum procedure. An asylum application (Asylantrag) is therefore not necessary. It is recommended not to apply for an asylum application as a ukrainian citizen. The “Massenzustrom-Richtline” (§ 24 AufenthG) applies (mass inflow guideline)

If you need financial help, apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act anyway.

Starting from 03.16.2022, arriving ukrainians will be distributed among the federal states. If you rely on financial assistance from the state, you will be assigned or reassigned to a location to enroll. You can’t decide yourself where you want to live. (§ 24 Abs. 5 AufenthG). When you receive your residence permit from the Aliens’ Registration Office, a residence requirement (Wohnsitzauflage) is entered there. If you have work, this can be omitted

Staying with family or acquaintances

This information is for all Ukrainian people who live in the city of Bamberg in a private apartment. This means that you are accommodated by your family, friends, acquaintances, another private person or accommodation provided by the city of Bamberg. This doesn’t aplly for people living in the Anker-Zentrum. If you do not have a place to stay in Bamberg, you will stay at the Anker Center until you are redistributed to another location.


All people who stay in the city of Bamberg have to register at the ANKER-Zentrum with their ID card.

Send a mail to:

In the mail, mention the name and date of birth of everyone, where you currently live and that you want to sign up for registration.

You will get a response e-mail to your registration. While you are waiting for an appointment for registration, you can already register with the city (book an appointment at the Residents’ Registration Office/ Einwohnermeldeamt) and apply for asylum benefits.

Because currently not so many people come anymore, you can go directly to the ANKER-Zentrum on a weekday to register. Tell them that you have an accomodation in Bamerg.

Erlenweg 4
96050 Bamberg
0951 / 13294-0

Application for asylum benefits (money)

If you don’t have money to live, you have to apply for asylum benefits after you arrive. You will receive money from the social wellfare office until you get your residence permit. When you get your residence permit you will switch to the Jobcenter.

Please drop off the following documents at the Citizen’s Town Hall (address below) or email them to

The following documents must be submitted to the City of Bamberg in order for the money to be paid out:

  • Completed application for benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act (see below).
  • Your ukrainan ID
  • Notification that the registration in the ANKER-Zentrum is completed.
  • A letter, from the person you are currently living with, that you are currently living there. If you have to pay for your accommodation and want to apply for money from the office (for costs of accommodation), you must have the lease or sublease+lease.

When your application is processed, you will receive a cash payment at the Office of Social Affairs in the city hall at the ZOB.

If you already have an account with a bank, please send your account details (IBAN) with your name and date of birth to

Then you will get the money automatically. It is faster.

If you can’t print the paper or need help filling it in, you can get help here:

You can also go to the consultation hour with other questions. There are always interpreters there.

Schützenstraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 91 41 89 35

Ukraine Consultation hour every tuesday 17:00 – 19:00 and every thursday 09:00 – 12:00 (ukrainian)

digital consultation hour every wednesday and saturday 14:00 -17:00

Balthasar-Neumann-Straße 16
96047 Bamberg
Consultation hour every monday, tuesday und thursday 10:00 – 12:00

Promenadestraße 2
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 15 67 H. Kammler
0951 / 87 – 15 05 H. Mühling

If you have been to the Citizen’s Town Hall (Bürgerrathaus) or mailed your paperwork, you will receive a message for your disbursement. You can collect the money at the Citizens’ Town hall (Bürgerrathaus).


All persons who fled from Ukraine to Germany after the first of June 2022 must also first apply for asylum seeker benefits. Only when you are registered at the Residents’ Registration Office/ Einwohnermeldeamt (see below) and have a residence permit, you can submit an application to the Jobcenter.

Registration Residents' Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt)

Another appointment you need to take care of is the registration at the Residents’ Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt). You do that at the City Hall. You have to book an appointment in Bamberg online.

You can book this appointment before your registration at the Anker-Zentrum.

Click on the link below and select if you are up to three persons or from four persons up. You can book a vacant appointment.

Please bring to the appointment a confirmation from the person with whom you live (housing provider confirmation/Wohnungsgeberbestätigung) and your ukrainian passport.

Appointment foreigners authority for residence permit

Once your registration is complete, you can request an appointment at the Immigration Office. Send a mail with the request for an appointment for a residence permit.

If you have been given an appointment, it is essential that you bring the following documents to your appointment at the Town Hall on Maxplatz:

  • Confirmation of registration in the Anker-Zentrum.
  • Completed and signed application for a residence permit according to §24 AufenthG, which you received during registration. (Application for residence permit §24 AufenthG)
  • ukrainian passport
  • 1 biometric photo (passport picture)
  • Notice from the social welfare office about benefits (confirmation that you have received money) or proof of health insurance (only if you are already starting a job)

If you absolutely need help interpreting at the appointment, you must register the person in advance with name and date of birth.

Switch from Social welfare office to Jobcenter

Until you get your residence permit, you will get money from the social welfare office. Later, the Jobcenter is responsible for the financial aid. All refugees from Ukraine will then receive benefits under SGB II (Bürgergeld).

In order for the job center to process an application, the person must have a residence title (§24) or a fictitious certificate. Until the application is approved by the job center, you will continue to receive money from the social welfare office. If you already have a bank account, send your account details (IBAN) with your name and date of birth to asyl@stadt.bamberg.deThen your money will be transferred automatically. It is faster.

How does the change work?

  • Fill in the application: Short application Jobcenter
    Please note that applications are not submitted per person or for the entire family, but per so-called “Bedarfsgemeinschaft” (BG/ Community of need).
    Parents and their children until the age of 25 are a Bedarfgemeinschaft. Exception: the child has own children
  • When you are more than 4 people, write down all further people on this form: Further people Jobcenter

needed documents:

  • Copy of all passports of all family members
  • Fictitious certificate or residence permit of all family members
  • Proof of the amount of the costs of accommodation (copy of the rental contract or rent certificate Jobcenter Stadt Bamberg)
  • Notification of which health insurance company you have selected. Find out about: Health insurance companies (also in ukrainian)
  • Notification if the registered children are not the biological children, but e.g. grandchildren

Persons of retirement age
Since the Job Center only pays benefits to people of working age, people of
retirement age don’t switch Rentenalter nicht into the benefit system of the job center, but within the social welfare office into the
Basic income support (Grundsicherungsbezug). They do not receive a pension from the pension fund, but receive basic income support in old age.. The entry age for a German pension is the same for foreigners as for German citizens.

If you are a pensioner living in Bamberg, you will receive basic benefits in old age (Grundsicherung im Alter) from the Office for Social Affairs of the City of Bamberg. The statutory retirement age varies – depending on the type of retirement pension – between 63 and 67. Relevant to the jobcenter in making the decision are:

  • your age and
  • if you already got pension in ukraine.

All people that are born 1955 and before stay in the system of the social welfare office and receive Basic benefits in old age (Grundsicherung im Alter).

For all people born from 1956, it will be checked. Those who already receive pensions in Ukraine remain in the Social Affairs Office and receive basic benefits in old age (Grundsicherung im Alter).
Currently, it is still being clarified how proof of pension receipt in Ukraine can be provided if the orange pension card is not available.

Jobcenter - Duty to notify in case of absence

If you receive money from the Jobcenter, you must inform the Jobcenter or submit an application if you want to leave your place of residence in Germany (e.g. Bamberg). The request / information regarding the so-called “local absence” must necessarily be made BEFORE the trip. You are legally obliged to do that!

If the job center has approved the request, you will continue to receive money for the period of absence and will be covered by health insurance.

You are entitled to 21 days of paid “local absence” per year.

Example: You want to travel for 6 weeks and the job center has approved the request. You will continue to receive your Unemployment Benefit II for the first 3 weeks, but will not receive it for the additional 3 weeks.

If the trip lasts more than 6 weeks you are NOT entitled to unemployment benefit II for the entire time of the trip. Upon return, the application for financial assistance must be resubmitted.

Inform yourself BEFORE a trip in time at the Jobcenter!

Child Benefits - Kindergeld

If you have children and receive money from the Jobcenter, you must apply for child benefit.

You will then receive child benefits from the family benefits office. In return, the Jobcenter will transfer less to you.

Send the Job Center a notice if you have applied for child support. If you have received a notification for child benefit from the Family benefits office, you must send a copy to the Job Center.

You can send the application by mail, drop it in the mailbox at the Job Center, or mail the documents to:

The family benefits office has provided a step-by-step fill-in aid regarding the child benefit application in ukrainian and russian:
You’ll find on the website www.germany4ukraine.deunder the point “Wie beantrage ich Kindergeld?” (How do I apply for child benefits?) Videos (in ukrainian und russian) which explain how to fill in the application.

Conclusion of health insurance

When you switch to the Job Center, you must have selected a health insurance plan with which you are covered.

Every Person can choose their health insurance freely. The different possibilities can be found here:Health insurances (also in ukrainian)

When applying to the health insurance fund, you specify “Bezug von ALG II” as the reason for compulsory insurance.

Living in the ANKER-Zentrum - without housing options

If you have no possibility for private accommodation with relatives in Bamberg, you can go directly to the ANKER-Zentrum. There, all arriving people will get a place to sleep and something to eat. There are also doctors here who can help you if you need medication or treatment.

There is also a clothing room where you can get clothing. The clothing room (Kleiderkammer) is in unit 3. It is opened every monday, tuesday and wednesday from 13:00 to 16:00 and thursday from 08:30 to 11:30.

You will stay here until you are moved to another place in Upper Franconia where you can stay for the next time. You can’t choose the place, you will be assigned.

Don’t give away your passport! If it is needed somewhere, the office can make a copy.

Erlenweg 4
96050 Bamberg

Searching for an Apartment

If you want to rent an apartment, you can find help under the topic housing/ wohnen.


A bank account is very important in Germany because most payments are made by bank transfer. If you receive benefits from the Jobcenter or work, the money will be transferred to your account. Rent, electricity, cell phone charges, insurance and many other things are also transferred. Therefore you should open a bankaccount wherever you live.

Open a bank account

To open an account you only need to show your ukrainian passport.

Money exchange

Since the 24.5.2022, money can be exchanged at banks and Spaprkassen. Each adult person from Ukraine can exchange up to 10,000 hryvnia (UHA) at the bank where you have an account in Germany.

Customers of Sparkasse Bamberg can exchange at these branches: Kunigundendamm, East, South, Berg, Gartenstadt, North, Malerviertel, Gaustadt, Schönleinsplatz

US Dollars can be exchanged as well. All branches of the Sparkasse in the city and district offer a cash exchange for refugees from Ukraine. The Sparkasse changes at the daily rate and waives fees. Exchanges are limited to 2,000 USD per person due to money laundering laws.


They are initially insured under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz) via the social welfare office. This means that in the case of acute illness, the social welfare office takes over the costs. You are not yet insured in a health insurance and are treated only with sickbill (Krankenschein).

In case of an emergency you don’t need a treatment certificate (Behandlungsschein). Just call 112. You will find further information under: Emergency call

Sick - What now?

If you are acutely ill or in pain and want to see a doctor, you must first obtain a treatment certificate from the social welfare office. (Only when you are working can you apply for health insurance membership and then get an insurance card).

To obtain a treatment certificate from the Social Welfare Office write an email at including the following information:

  • Name and address of the doctor’s office to be visited.
  • Photo of Ukrainian passport or specify full name and her date of birth.
  • Write, where you are living currently.

The sick bills can then be sent to you by mail from the Office of Social Affairs at the Citizens’ Town Hall (please note that your name must be on the mailbox for mail to arrive). It is also possible to pick up at the Residents’ town hall (Bürgerrathaus).

In case of an emergency you don’t need a treatment certificate (Behandlungsschein). Just call 112. You will find further information under: Emergency call

Promenadestraße 2
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 15 67 H. Kammler
0951 / 87 – 1505 H. Mühling

Mental Health & Trauma

If you are physically sick, you can get help from a doctor. Even if you don’t feel well, are scared, get angry quickly, or feel sad a lot, you can get help. Here you will find information about trauma, panic and anxiety and how to deal with it.

  1. Information

2. Practical aids and exercises

ALL exercises are thought to stabilize and support. They do NOT replace psychotherapeutic or medicinal treatment if this is necessary!

Please be midful with yourself.

"MedGuide" General medicine in Ukrainian language

Under the link below you can download a phrasebook “General Medicine” as a reading sample in pdf form. This phrasebook can be very helpful when visiting a doctor.

Covid19 - Vaccination offer

If you want to get vaccinated against covid19, you can contact your primary care physician (Hausarzt) directly.

Measles vaccination

There is a obligation in all schools and daycares that all chidren and juveniles are vaccinated against measles.

All refugees from Ukraine who live in private households and do not attend school or day care centers are not affected by the vaccination requirement. The measles vaccination is highly reccomended.

Possible costs will be taken care of (either via the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act or the health insurance).

Pets - Veterinarian

Until further notice, you can enter Ukraine with your pets without prior permission. Please contact a veterinarian in Bamberg as soon as possible to clarify the health of your pet, e.g. regarding rabies.

SIM-Card Smartphone

Various telecommunications providers are currently issuing low-cost prepaid rates (starting at €10 per month) for refugees from Ukraine. The SIM-Cards are only allowed to be used by one person each.

Hauptwachstraße 13
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 2 08 40 84

Help for Ukraine | Telekom Help


Grüner Markt 6

96047 Bamberg

The SIM-Cards can only be picked up in person. An Ukrainian identity document (passport, identity card or residence permit) must be presented. Only people over the age of 16 can get a SIM-Card.

Ukraine | Vodafone

You can order a prepaid-SIM-card from o2 under the following link:

Clothes and things of everyday life

Clothing, hygiene products and food packages

If you arrive and don’t have money yet, you can get many things for free at the clothing store (Kleiderkammer) of Freund statt fremd. That is for example:

  • Clothing and shoes
  • Hygiene products (toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gel, diapers,…)
  • food packages (if you don’t get money yet or are accomodated with a host family)
  • Strollers or car seats for children
  • Bags or Suitcases
  • Bedsheets, towels

Opening hours: tuesday, thursday and friday 15:00 – 17:00 and saturday 10:00 -12:00

Please take only the things you really need.

Here you’ll find information about stores where you can shop affordable:


Obere Königstraße 14
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 2084483

Maps: Waschsalon /Laundromat

Meetingpoints and Coffeshops

The coffeshop “Blaue Frieda” is open monday to saturday for everybody from 14:00 to 17:00.


All children between the ages of 6 and 15 must attend school if they are in Germany for longer than 3 months.

Every child has the right to get education and school lessons.

To ensure that children in the city and district of Bamberg can get to school quickly, there is a central office in the town hall on Maximiliansplatz.

Send an e-mail to , that you want to enroll your child. You will get an appointment for enrollment at the town hall at Maxplatz. A team of interpreters will be on site during the enrollment. After enrollment you will receive a mail, in which group your child can go and from when.

For questions about the school you will find a phone number and a mail address below.

Please come to Town Hall together with your child/children and bring the following documents – if available – to the enrollment:

  • Passport or certificate of birth
  • Arrival certificate (Ankunftsbescheinigung/ Anlaufbescheinigung) or confirmation of an appointment for registration
  • Registration Residents’ Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt)
  • Proof of measles vaccination

An enrollment is also possible if not all documents are available.

Tickets for students

Starting from Monday, 20.06.2022, children and young people from Ukraine will need a ticket when traveling to school by bus.

Starting from a distance of 3 km to the school, the bus ticket will be paid for.


Children cannot be admitted to daycare centers until they are registered through the Anker-Zentrum/AEO.

  • the family family needs a registration address in Bamberg and must declare the intention to stay in Bamberg until there is a prospect of returning home
  • online registration through webKITA (
  • before admission to a day care center, every child must be fully vaccinated against measles or proof of measles vaccination must be presented
  • Information of the mother on the custody status (Sorgerechtsstand) / if available a custody certificate should be submitted

Since there is a very high demand for places in daycare centers in Bamberg, no guarantee of a place can be given.

Mother-Child-Group/ Playdate / open youth work

Many first-response centers offer mother-child groups at times.

Balthasar-Neumann-Str. 14

96047 Bamberg

3 Days a week mother-child-group

Cotact person is Mr. Peschers

Theatergassen 7

96047 Bamberg

1 to 2 times a week mother-child-group

preregistration under

Playdate for ukrainian kids (3-7 years old)

Starting from 06.05. every friday from 14:00 – 17:00

Bürgerhaus Gereuth

Rosmarinweg 1

96050 Bamberg

Overview over everything:

Jugendzentrum (youth center) Mitte (JuZ)
The JuZ is a place in the centre of Bamberg that lives from your ideas and your creations. Artistic, creative, media-pedagogical, musical, sports and culinary projects are developed here. Concerts, vernissages, workshops or events organized together with cooperation partners are an integral part of the program and will be further developed in close cooperation with you.

Margaretendamm 12

96052 Bamberg

tuesday to saturday from 15:00 to 20:00

friday till 22:00

Youth center Ost (JO)
You will find the JO in the middle of the Malerviertel, on the sports ground of the Graf-Stauffenberg-Schools. Whether on the fun court, beach volleyball court, the meadow or at the table tennis table…there are plenty of opportunities to let off steam here.

Kloster-Langheim-Straße 11

96050 Bamberg

Tuesday to Friday from16:00 to 19:00

Youth center Gaustadt

We are there, where you are. Whether in school, on the Erbainsel, in the outdoor pool or directly with us in the youth center. You are in the mood to cook or you prefer to play soccer? We’re in!

Gaustadter Hauptstraße 44

96049 Bamberg


Not only open youth work, but also district work, homework supervision and professional sports take place here under one roof.

Kornstr. 20

96050 Bamberg

Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 22:00

Sport offers for children

Every Monday the sports team of Freund statt fremd offers fun and games with different sports (e.g. soccer, volleyball, athletics, gymnastics and much more) for children from the age of 5.

Where? on the lawn of the Fuchsparkstadion in Bamberg

When? every monday from 15:00 to 16:30

For who? Kids starting from the age of 5 – and their mothers if if they want

learning German

You can register for a language course with a residence permit or a fictional certificate (Aufenthaltstitel/ Fiktionsbescheinigung) The costs will be taken care of by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). Refugees from Ukraine can register for a course by presenting a Ukrainian passport.

You can ask at different providers for an appropriate course. Here you’ll find further information regarding the topic language und german language courses:

Currently, initial orientation courses (Erstorientierungskurse) are being held in Bamberg by various providers. If you are already attending an initial orientation course, we recommend that you complete it and then switch to an integration course.

Participation in the courses is free of charge for you (the courses are sponsored by the Federal Office for Migration), but you must attend the course regularly.

Information about the courses is available in Ukrainian, German and English. Courses are offered here:

Pödeldorfer Straße 81
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 9 15 55 – 0

The DEB offers a change within the different integration language courses, e.g. due to a job start or other urgent reasons. For example, because of work, another course may be taken in the afternoon instead of the morning.

The best time to change is after one module (after about 100 hours / 4 weeks). Depending on availability, the location of the language course or the provider can also be changed.

Lichtenhaidestraße 15
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 93224-42

Monday to friday from 09:00 to 12:15

Wilhelmsplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 5 19 47 – 0
0951 / 5 19 47 – 19

If you do not want to or can not attend a course every day, there are also voluntary German courses. These are free of charge for the participants. You’ll find the courses here:

Gemeindehaus St. Josef im Hain

Balthasar-Neumann-Straße 16
96047 Bamberg

0174 / 63 52 89 4

From 20.04.22 Wednesdays from 10:30 – 12:00 open offer without registration to learn and practice German.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Münzel.

Schützenstr. 2a

96047 Bamberg

Integration gemeinsam gestalten

Right now there a no language courses at Blaue Frieda.

Every Wednesday to Friday from 14:00 to 17:00, people meet here to practice German in the language café.

Starting from 04.05. every wednesday 17:00 to 19:00 there are language lessons (for grown ups from ukraine)

District Center “Löwenzahn”

Katzheimerstr. 3

96050 Bamberg


Employment agency

The application for a residents’ permit must be approved or at least submitted to be registered as job-seeking.
If you have already found an employer where you can start working, the process can be accelerated with a certificate of fiction (Fiktionsbescheinigung). For this, the futer employer can contact the Foreigners’ Registration office or .
The fictitious certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung) is considered a “temporary” work permit and is returned with the receiving of the residence permit.

If you have a fictitious certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung), you can register with the employment agency (Arbeitsagentur) as a job seeker or unemployed. The employment agency can provide counseling and help you find a job.

Procedure for reporting to the employment agency (whether seeking advice or looking for work)
1. Fill in the form readable 6_Anhang_Anmeldebogen_Arbeitsagentur
2. Personal notification at the entrance zone (if possible with own translator/interpreter)
3. Appointment for a personal consultation is given by the employment agency (interpreter would be an advantage)

If there are several Ukrainian refugees who wish to seek advice or employment, a joint appointment can be arranged outside the opening hours of the entrance zone.

Mannlehenweg 27
96050 Bamberg

Nina Kölsch


General employment service – 122

Phone: 0951/9128 – 841

Telefax: 0951/9128 – 622


marginal employment (geringfügig Beschäftigung) (Minijobs / 450€ Jobs)

For issues related to basic financial security, language courses and job search, etc. for people from Ukraine who are in possession of a (temporary) residence permit or a fictitious certificate.
Phone Hotline: 0951 9128-550
Please note: The employees of the Jobcenter speak German only. If needed, please call with an interpreter.

SollteIf you want to start marginal employment, the following documents will be needed:

  • Work permit (you will receive the work permit automatically with the residence title, it will say “gainful empleyment
  • a social security number (Sozialversicherungsnummer) ( you will receive the social security numberg either from the pension insurance or the
    chosen health insurance)
  • and tax ID (the tax ID is automatically issued with the initial registration with the competent registration office of the
    current place of residence. When a person is included in the civil register (Melderegister), a
    automated notification to the federal central tax office. From them the tax ID will be
  • in the case of employment in the catering industry, a health certificate/ Gesundheitszeugnis (the health certificate can be issued by the health department / Gesundheitsamt). This takes place in the form of an instruction, for which an appointment is necessary. As the Bavarian summer vacations are about to begin and many pupils or students start a vacation job, this appointment should be
    made as fast as possible.

Health Office – Gesundheitsamt City and District of Bamberg

District office Bamberg, department health

Recognition of foreign qualifications

In the upcoming weeks, there will be a digital information event offered with the topic “recognition of foreign qualification”.

The events are aimed at people from Ukraine seeking advice, as well as volunteers and supporters.

Further information about the dates of MigraNet – IQ-Network Bavaria can be found under the link:

Consultation and further information


Here you’ll find special consultation offers for refugees from ukraine. Currently, Caritas and Freund statt fremd offer consultation hours for Ukraine refugees who are privately housed in Bamberg. You’ll find contact information and office hours below. Furthermore, the team of Freund statt Fremd is active in hotels and shared accomondations.
In the office hours of freund statt fremd, hosts can contact them with their questions.

There are many different offers in the Blaue Frieda e.g. the digital help every wednesday and saturday from 14:00 to 17:00. Here you can print, scan, write mails and much more. You can use notebooks and WIFI. If you need help, someone of the digital team will help you.

Schützenstraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 91 41 89 35

Ukrainian consultation hours every tuesday and thursday from17:00 to 19:00

Balthasar-Neumann-Straße 16
96047 Bamberg
Consultation hour in ukrainian und russian every monday to friday from 10:00 to 12:00 (without an appointment)

Contact person

Alona Grygoryeva

Mobile number: 0173 532 9045

Antonina Chakarova
0951 / 13 29 43 64
0157 / 30 12 52 27

Help on the phone or per mail in russian

Monday to friday from 13:00 to 15:00 (without an appointment)

Migration social service – Migrationssozialdienst of AWO – russian

Marina Melikowa

every tuesday with an appointment made per phone or mail, russian

Theatergassen 7

96047 Bamberg

0951-917009-36 oder 37

District center – Stadtteilzentrum Löwenzahn

Katzheimerstr. 3

96050 Bamberg

Tuesday 11:00 to 13:00

Thursday 15:00 to 17:00

and after agreement under 0151 22 22 97 75 (Ms. Bineva) or 0951 13 39 733

Consultation for children, juveniles and young adults with the age from 12 to 27.

Schwarzenbergstr. 8

96050 Bamberg

Ms. Julia Mari (speaks russian)

0951 / 86 85 12

Monday, tuesday and thursday from 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 (and after agreement)

Consultation for children, juveniles and young adults with the age from 12 to 27.

Schwarzenbergstr. 8

96050 Bamberg

Ms. Julia Mari (speaks russian)

0951 / 86 85 12

Monday, tuesday and thursday from 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 (and after agreement)

Ukrainian womes meeting of SkF (social service of catholic women - Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen)

On 30.06.2022 from 15.00 – 17.00 o’clock in the Ukraine women’s meeting an information meeting in Russian, German and English language takes place to the topic ” The German health system”

  • The health insurance
  • The doctors visit
  • The dentists visit
  • The pharmacy
  • The hospital
  • What to do in a case of an emergency?

Due to the limited number of participants, participation is only possible with registration by 27.06.2022.

Please register per mail under :


Costs for a interpreter

If you need an interpreter for a doctor’s visit, you can still get reimbursed for the cost. This also applies to people who receive cash benefits from the Jobcenter.

Contact for settlement of interpreting costs:

Office for inclusion – Amt für Inklusion

Heinrichsdamm 1

96047 Bamberg

Ms. Rüttger or Mr. Eitel

Help Hotline for violence against women

The nationwide help hotline “Violence against Women / Gewalt gegen Frauen” also offers targeted counseling for women from Ukraine at

You can call 08000 116 016 free of charge from the German telephone and mobile network in an urgent emergency.

Helpline Ukraine

“Helpline Ukraine” supports refugees with their sorrows and problems. Telephone counseling in Ukrainian and Russian is free of charge and confidential. The “Helpline Ukraine” offers you free telephone advice on all worries, problems and issues that concern you

The helpline can be reached on 0800 500 225 0 from Monday to Friday between 14:00 and 17:00.

You’ll find further information under

Further Information and help

You’ll find further information and help here:

Ukrainian citizens arriving at the trainstation are assisted by volunteers of the Ukrainian Association by phone. Via the following phone number there is 24 hours the possibility to get help and translation for first questions of arrival in case of emergency: 0160/99 88 25 29 Please just call! NO WhattsApp, NO SMS!

Many current and important questions are answered here.

Playgrounds close to your accommodation

Here you’ll find some playgrounds close to your accommondation.

Insurance for ukrainian vehicles

The German office “Grpne Karte” is in close contact with the Ukrainian colleagues. Despite the situation in Ukraine, Ukrainian insurers continue to operate and are often able to issue a Grüne Karte valid for Germany electronically to those insured in Ukraine.

You’ll find further information here:

Every vehicle that stays in Germany permanently has to be reregistered! According to tax law, vehicle taxes must be paid after 6 months. They have to be paid as soon as the car gets a german number plate.

If a vehicle comes from outside the EU, it must also be cleared at customs (Zoll). There are transitional periods for Ukrainian vehicles: customs must be cleared here only 1 year after importation.

If the vehicle is not re-registered, this is a violation of German tax laws (vehicle tax and import tax/ Kfz-Steuer und Einfuhrsteuer).

Ukrainian vehicles must be reregistered 6 to 12 months after entry.

What can happen if you don’t do this?

  • You drive without a valid license (Zulassung). This is an administrative offense and costs 70€.
  • You commit tax evasion. It is a crime according to §370 paragraph 1 Nr. 2 AO. In the event of an inspection, the police can immobilize the car and collect the tax debt (enforcement/ Zwangsvollstreckung). You won’t be allowed to drive the vehicle anymore. The city of Bamberg has already pointed this out several times.

How does the reregistration work?

  1. All vehicles must have a TÜV main and exhaust emission test (Haupt- und Abgasuntersuchung) or a TÜV certificate (§21 StVZO)
  • In order to know, for little money first, whether and what work is necessary to get the car through the TÜV, a preliminary inspection (Vorabuntersuchung) can be carried out. You can book an appointment for this purpose at a workshop. The workshop will determine whether the vehicle needs to be converted for the TÜV and how much the conversion will cost. (Costs 15-50 €) Here are some suggestions for Russian-speaking workshops in Bamberg:

Hafenstraße 21
96052 Bamberg

Tel. 01573 24 58 976

Jäckstraße 35
96052 Bamberg

Tel 0176 40 33 14 60

Lagerhausstraße 2
96052 Bamberg

Tel. 01590 14 00 920

  • The owner must then modify the vehicle at his own expense, e.g. remove front window obscuration, remove retrofit xenon headlights, …).

If the conversions are more expensive than the car (economic total loss), the vehicle must be re-exported from the EU. It can only be sold outside the EU. Within the EU, the only option is scrapping.

  • If a CoC-sheet is available, a TÜV main and exhaust inspection can then simply be carried out. (Costs: ca. 150 €)
  • If no CoC-sheet is available, a TÜV certificate (§ 21 StVZO/HU, AU) must be issued.

For this you can, preferably in person (with the help of Google Translator) make an appointment at the TÜV (see below for addresses). The costs will be between 150 and 800€. Ask them. You can also ask a workshop if they can help with the TÜV. If you have the certificate, you must keep this receipt well.

Zeppelinstraße 5
96052 Bamberg

Tel. 09 51 – 94 41 10

Kirschäckerstr. 39
96052 Bamberg

Phone 0951 – 93 22 80

Kärntenstraße 6
96052 Bamberg

Phone 09 51 – 50 90 06 80

Full expert report (Vollgutachten) according to 21 StVZO

  1. Customs clearence (Zollabfertigung)(Adresse: Zollstelle Bamberg, Ludwigstraße 28, 96052 Bamberg)
  • Recommended variant 1: clearance as “mooving goods” (Umzugsgut)(tax free, subject to conditions) costs approx. 10 – 30 €

What do you need?

  • Vehicle including vehicle documents must be presented. The papers must show that the vehicle was registered to the person for at least 6 months before the move to Germany.
  • Bring the filled out and signed application 3x Antrag Zoll_V0350
  • Proof that the holder has lived in Ukraine for at least 1 year (e.g. registration certificate, lease contract, statements of account, etc.)
  • German registration certificate

If the vehicle continues to be owned by the current owner for at least 1 year, no duties or VAT will be due after successful clearance. If the car is sold earlier, approx. 30% tax will be due.

  • Variant 2: „normal“ clearance (custom duties and taxes are due)

What do you need?

  • Vehicle including vehicle documents
  • Cost: 10% tax from vehicle value + 19% VAT
  1. Registration at registration office (Zulassungsstelle)(Adress: Moosstraße 65, 96050 Bamberg)

Book an online appointment: Appointment booking registration office city of Bamberg

What do you need for the admission?

  • TÜV-Report §21 (Punkt 1) or HU/AU at CoC
  • Customs document (point 2)
  • EVB-Number (you get it from the insurance)
  • Vehicle documents (ukrainische)
  • detached ukrainian number plate
  • Form for vehicle tax Zulassung_Formular KfZ Steuer
  • IBAN/ Bank Account details
  • Passport/ Identification document
  • German license plates are printed on site Information: Requested license plates can be reserved online: Requested license plates

Costs for admission are about 100 €.

Deregistration in Ukraine must be done by the holder.