
If you are currently living in Germany, it is important to learn how to speak the German language. Communicating in German helps you to connect to other people around you. Language is very important if you want to begin to work, to study or do an apprenticeship in Germany. The language helps you getting a good life in Germany. Here, you can find information to language courses and how you can start learning German on your own.

Contents on this page

Language courses

Adults can learn German in German courses (Deutschkurs).

The German Courses start with the level A1 and go on with the levels A2, B1 and B2. To reach the levels C1 and C2, you almost have to reach the skills of a native speaker of german.

If you have a residency permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis), you can submit an application at the BAMF. After it is approved, you can visit an official integration course. You can also apply for voluntary courses. You don’t need permission for those free courses.

You can learn german online, for example with the help of YouTube Videos. You can also meet up with other people and talk in german.

Official courses (promoted by the BAMF)

If you want to visit an integration course, you have to fill out a request for the BAMF. If you currently don’t have a job, the costs for this course are being taken care of.
This course and the final test are relevant if you want to request a German citizenship later on.
If your request gets approved by the BAMF, you can even go to a school to take your course.
There are also courses for alphabetization and work-related courses. Here you will find an overview over all current official classes:

You can also visit a school directly. Here you can find the addresses:

Other German courses

There are language courses which are by volunteers or inexpensive. This is especially good when you can’t participate in an official course. Most courses a free of charge or inexpensive. You can ask at the different organizations which classes are offered.

Learn German on your own

There are also other possibilities to learn and practice german. In a language course or by yourself. You can visit the local library or learn German using online courses. Here you can find a few online offers:

Speaking German

To learn the german language, it is very importatnt to practice and to talk to different people. To talk, you can meet up in a Café or other locations in Bamberg.

There are no language courses at Freund statt Fremd, but there is a “Language-Café” every tuesday to friday in “Blaue Frieda”. Different people have the possibility to meet up and talk. It is kind of similar at the family meeting place (Familientreff) Löwenzahn.

Schützenstraße 2a
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 91 41 89 35

Every Tuesdasy, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 14:00 to 17:00 at “Blaue Frieda”

Katzheimerstraße 3
96052 Bamberg

Monday from 16:30 to 18:00 and

Thursday from 10:00 to 11:30

Learn or improve your german. It works best by preparing fodd or drinking tea or coffe together.

SkF Bamberg e. V.

Schwarzenbergstr. 8
96050 Bamberg

Contact: Julia Mari

Tel. 0951-868512


Every Thursday from 15:00 to16:30

Be sure to register in advance!

Here you get help:
0800 / 53 33 44 55

The ALFA-phone offers private and free consulting if you encounter any problems regarding reading or writing.