Emergency Phone Numbers

In the event of a dangerous illness or after a serious accident, you can go directly to the hospital emergency room or dial the emergency number 112.

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Emergency Numbers

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation and need help immediately, there are different phone numbers to call.

These phone numbers are free to call and always work on the mobile phone (also without credit balance).

You should really call only in an emergency situation:

  • Police (Polizei): 110 (in case of assault, burglary, …)
  • Fire department (Feuerwehr), Emergency rescue service (Rettungsdienst), Ambulance (Krankenwagen), Emergency doctor (Notarzt): 112 (in case of a car accident, fire, flood, …)
  • Poison emergency call (Giftnotruf): 089 / 1 92 40 (in case of medication, drugs, snakebites, …)
  • Violence against women: 0951 / 5 82 80 or 08000 116 0 116
  • Children’s emergency number: 0800 / 111 0 333 (for children who need help)
  • Mental Health Crisis Service: 0800 / 6 55 30 00
  • Mental Health Emergency: 0800 / 111 0 111 or 0800 / 111 0 222 (for all sorrows and problems) www.telefonseelsorge.de
  • Emergency Service for small animals: https://tbvoberfranken.de/208-notdienst-stationaer-fuer-kleintiere-in-stadt-landkreis-bamberg-forchheim.html

These details are important:

  • Who is calling (your name)?
  • Where did this happen (Address)?
  • What happened?
  • How many people are injured or sick there?
  • What kind of illness or injury do you and/or other people have?
  • Then please wait for questions!

Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacies are closed? What to do?

If your doctor clinic is closed and you are sick but there is no immediate danger, pleaes call here. You will be informed about which doctor is currently available and open nearby:

Which pharmacy is open at night or on weekends?