No Job? Available Aid

If your family is unemployed therefore doesn’t have any money, you will get support from the state. That is known as “basic subsistence income” (Grundsicherung). You get the money for food, clothing, personal hygiene, household goods, electricity, and personal items. The cost of an apartment will also be covered. You will find further information at the topic Housing.

Unemployment Benefits

Everybody that has to and is able to work, but doesn’t have job at the moment can apply for unemployment benefits II (Arbeitslosengeld II/ Bürgergeld). You are generally obliged to look for work and take a job if you get a reasonable offer.

If you have worked at least 12 months in the last 2 years, you get the unemployment benefits number I (Arbeitslosengeld I). That’s more than unemployment benefits 2 (Arbeitslosengeld II). It is based on how much you previously earned from your work.

You always submit your application at the Federal Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit). There are different partners you can get in contact with.

Social Assistance

People that can’t work for health reasons or are over the age of 65 can apply for basic subsistance income (Grundsicherung).

People who haven’t received recognition yet (it is not sure if they can stay in Germany yet), also get basic subsistance income. In this case it is called “Asybewerberleitungen”.

You can submit an application to the city of Bamberg.

City Hall at the central bus station (ZOB)
Promenadestraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 14 98
0951 / 87 – 27 27 (Questions about asylum)

Do You Have a Job? Available Aid

If you only earn little money, you can get additional support so can pay for living and dwelling. If you earn very little money with your job, you can apply for additional unemployment benefits 2 (Arbeitslosengeld II). This is called stocking up (aufstocken). Or you can apply for housing benefits (Wohngeld) :

Housing Benefits - Wohngeld

You can apply for it if your and the income of your household members is too low. You will get housing benefits beginning from the month in which you filed your application.

  • How many people live in your apartment?

  • What is your monthly income?

  • How much is your rent?

These are the questions which you have to answer. File an application for housing benefits (Wohngeld).

You will also need a certificate of earnings and a rent certificat.

Send your application to the City of Bamberg if you live in the city or send it to the district authorities if you live in the Bamberg District.

Promenadestraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 11 87 Letters A – F
0951 / 87 – 11 60 Letters G – K
0951 / 87 – 11 83 Letters L – R
0951 7 87 – 11 85 Letters S – Zürgerservice/Ämter/Amt-für-soziale-Angelegenheiten/Wohngeld/

Raum H 122 oder H 123
Ludwigstraße 23
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 85 – 558 Letters A – G und Pb – Pz
0951 / 85 – 505 Letters H – Pa
0951 / 85 – 557 Letters Q – Z

Permit for Subsidized Housing - Wohnberechtigungsschein

If you have a small income, you can also apply for a permit for subsidized housing (Wohnberechtigungsschein – WBS). With your WBS you can prove that you are entitled to obtain social housing. Social housing is not as expensive.

You can apply for a WBS at the housing benefits authority (Wohngeldbehörde).

Promenadestraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
You find all the forms here:

Promotion of Vocational Training - Ausbildungsförderung

Everyone should have the opportunity to get education. If you attend school, study at university or take up vocational training, you do not earn any or not enough money for living expenses and an apartment rent. You can apply for vocational support called BAföG – (Berufsausbildungsfördergesetz) or Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe.

Vocational Support - BAföG

High school as well as university students can get financial aid and apply for Bafög.

The free Bafög hotline can help at:
0800 – 2 23 63 41

University students apply directly at the university. You will find more detailed nformation here:

For example, students who are training to become educators, master craftsmen, or technicians get finacial aid. They get reimbursed for some of the cost of their advanced training (Fortbildung). If the training/ school is full time they also get part of their living expenses paid, depending on their income. That can either be a grant or a loan. Please contact City of Bamberg or the district authorities, respectively.

Sachgebiet Schulverwaltung
Maximiliansplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 14 24 Letters A – K
0951 / 87 – 14 25 Letters L – Zürgerservice/Rathaus-Service/Dienstleistungen/Fortbildung-berufliche-Aufstiegs-BAföG

Raum H 124
Ludwigstraße 23
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 85 – 1 37 Letters A – K
0951 / 85 – 1 38 Letters L – Zörderung

Federal Education Grant - Bundesausbildungshilfe

If you take part in a vocational training for the first time and have your own apartment, your training salary likely does not suffice for your livelyhood. You can then apply for aid.

Exemption from the Radio and Television Broadcast Fees (Rundfunkgebühren)

If you receive unemployement support 2 (Arbeitslosengeld II/Bürgergeld) or basic subsistance income (Asylbewerberleistung), you can get an exemption from Radio and Television Broadcast Fees (Rundfunkgeböhren). Eveyone living in an apartment in Germany has to pay this contribution benefitting radio and television.

Additional Aid for Families

There are also different aid programs particularly for families with children. Every family is getting some aid but sometimes the aid has to be tailored to a particular situation. Please take a look at what aid program you may apply for.

Child Benefits - Kindergeld

All parents draw child benefits for their children until they turn 18. These benefits can be paid longer if the child is doing a vocational training, studying or looking for work.

Kornacherstraße 6 (Besuchsadresse)
97421 Schweinfurt
Familienkasse Bayern Nord (Postadresse)
90316 Nürnberg
0911 / 5 29 – 20 02

Maternity Benefits - Mutterschaftsleistungen

People that have a job and get pregnant get special protection: they are not allowed to work in the 6 weeks before the estimated birth date and in the 8 weeks after the birth. This is called Maternity Protection (Mutterschutz). In this time the wage will still be paid by the employer as usual.

If you get pregnant and have no job, but get social services (for example unemployment benefits) you will get more money because pregnant people need more. Because of that you have to tell the authorities that you are pregnant.
You can also get money for initial equipment for the baby like a stroller, a bed and so on (Erstausstattung). You can get it for example at federal foundation for mother and child (Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind) or at the State foundation for help for mother and child (Landesstiftung Hilfe für Mutter und Kind).

You will find the couselling centers which will help you with all the important applications here:

Parental Benefits - Elterngeld

You get parental benefits (Elterngeld) if you stay at home after the birth and don’t go to work. If you don’t work or work less, the missing money will be compensated. If both parents will be sharing this time, the parental benefits will last longer. Even if you did not work before giving birth, you will still receive parental benefits.

The counselling centers can assist you with further information and the application.

Bavarian Family Allowance - Bayrisches Familiengeld

All families in Bavaria receive 250€ monthly for every child who is between 13 and 36 months old. Starting with the third child it is 300€ a month.

You do not have to submit an extra application. If you have applied for parental benefits, you will automatically get the family allowance.

Tax Relief - Steuerentlastung

Families receive tax relief (Steuerentlastung). If one parent works, fewer taxes will be deducted from the paycheck.

Having children, one can claim children allowance for wages.
Please pay attention to the tax income bracket – if only one parent is working, you should report to the employer the tax bracket number 3. If both are working, there is a choice.

For instance, childcare costs can be used as credit with annual tax returns.
Associations for income tax assistance (Lohnsteuerhilfe) can help you with tax questions. There, however, you must first become a member and usually pay a membership fee.
Association for income tax assistance – Lohnsteuerhilfe-Vereine in Bamberg:

Child Support Payments - Unterhaltsvorschuss

If you are a single parent, you are entitled to special assistance. The other parent is obligated to pay child support. That means that they must provide for the life of the child with money, supplies and education. When the other parent can’t or won’t pay, you can get support from the youth welfare office (Jugendamt). If you submit an application, the youth welfare office will make advance child support payments (Unterhaltsvorschuss). The office will try to get the money back from the other parent. This advance payment can be requested until your child is 18 years old. If you get unemployment support (Arbeitslosengeld II/ Bürgergeld) you will only receive these payments until your child is 12 years old.

Child Supplement - Kinderzuschlag

If a family does not have enough money, the parents can under special cicumstances apply for the child supplement (Kinderzuschlag). This doesn’t work for families which receive unemployment support 2 (Arbeitslosengeld II/ Bürgergeld). Whether and how much money you are going to get depends on how much money you have at your disposal every month, and how much you pay for rent. You have to file a new application every 6 months.

Kornacherstraße 6 (Adress for visitors)
97421 Schweinfurt
Familienkasse Bayern Nord (postal adress)
90316 Nürnberg
0800 / 4 55 55 – 30

Education and Participation - Bildung und Teilhabe

There is further aid for children from families with little money that is offered by the City of Bamberg and the authorities of the Bamberg District. If you are receiving money from the Job Center, housing benefits or child supplement, you can get additional money for different things:

  • Money for school materials
    For things like copies, books, pencils, and so on, every child receives 100€ in August and 50€ in February (If you receive unemployment benefits 2, you will get it automatically from the jobcenter in those months, you dont have to apply for it, but you have to tell them if a new child enters school: send the school certificate to the jobcenter)

  • Cost of lunch is covered
    The costs of lunch in the day care center or school are covered after a contribution payment of 1€ a day.

  • School trips
    Transportation costs, catering and admission during school trips are taken over

  • Learning support
    The costs of learning support can be covered if the school confirms that the child could not otherwise be relocated

  • Social and cultural participation
    If your child is taking part in for example a sports club or attends a music school, the City contributes 10€ per month.

If you live in the City of Bamberg, and wish to get financial help, fill out an education and participation application (Antrag auf Bildung und Teilhabe):

If you are receiving unemployment benefits II, send the application to:

All other people should send their applications to:

Amt für soziale Angelegenheiten
Team 50I3 Bildung und Teilhabe
Promenadestraße 2a
96047 Bambeg
0951 / 87 – 15 20

If you live in the Bamberg District, you will find the forms here:

If you are getting unemployment benefits II, send the application to:

All other people should send their applications to:

Ludwigstraße 23
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 85 – 5 00

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