Child Care - Kinderbetreuung
If both parents work, they need someone to care of their children. Even if there is someone at home, it is imporant for the children to meet other children, to make friendships and learn from and with them in their community.
Offers for Children up to 6 Years Old
Day-Care Centers (KiTas)
Children from 0 – 6 can go to the day-care centers (Kita). Little kids up to 3 years old can go to the children’s nursery (Kindergrippe), from 3 years old, kids go to the kindergarten. Here kids can play together. They learn rules, the language and much more. It is an imporant preparation for school.
- If you are looking for your children a spot at a day-care center in Bamberg, you will have to register at the Kita-portal. You need to start very early with your search. It's not that easy.
City Hall at the central bus station (ZOB)
Promenadestraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 15 33
- Here you will find all the day-care centers in Bamberg district:
Nanny/Childminder (Child day-care)
Everything is much smaller here than in the kindergarten. One person takes care of maximum five children at home.
- You can search here for a child day-care:
City Hall at the central bus station (ZOB) – Room: 4.15
Promenadestraße 2a
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 15 64
0951 / 87 – 14 82
Room: H 017
Ludwigstraße 23
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 85 – 530
Large Day-Care Centers
There are several childminders and nannies here, who take care of several children together.
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 1
96050 Bamberg
0951 / 96 43 05 30
0151 / 16 54 03 37
for children under the age of 3
Heinrich-Weber-Platz 10
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 408 – 13 17
For children of university staff and parents who study.
Gutenbergstraße 5C
96050 Bamberg
0951 / 30 12 37 04
Betriebliche Großtagespflegestelle der Mediengruppe Oberfranken und Medatixx
Offers for School Children
All-Day Classes (Ganztagsklassen)
Many schools have offers for either tied or open all-day classes for students. Tied classes (Gebunden) means, that the child has to be at school everyday from 8 am until 4 pm. Open classes (Offen) means, that parents can register their children also for single days. For example, once a week for the whole day. Here you will find all schools that offer all-day classes (Ganztagesangebote):
After-School Care Clubs (Horte)
School children in grades 1 to 4 can visit the after-school clubs (Horte) in the afternoon after their classes/school. Children will be supervised by educational staff. School children can also be taken care of in the afternoon in some day-care centers (KiTa).
- You will find various offers in Kita-portal for the city of Bamberg. Register your child early:
- Registration at after-school care club (Hort) in the city of Bamberg is only available online via the WebKita portal
- You can also ask for places at the day-care centers (KiTas) in the district of Bamberg:
Lunchtime Supervision (Mittagsbetreuung)
School children in grades 1 to 4 can be taken care of and looked for in many school or also at day-care centers at lunchtime. You can get information directly from your child’s school or day-care center. Check with your school and day-care center.
More information about lunchtime supervision can be found here: