Help & Advice

If you need help while dealing with authorities, you can find numerous institutions for that in Bamberg. You should absolutely know these institutions and make use of their services! But there are even more ways to get advice.

Contents on this page

Counseling Offices in Bamberg

If you need help with official matters, you can turn to various institutions and offices in Bamberg. They can help you, free of charge, with important questions such as asylum procedures, accommodation, family reunion, financial aid, language courses, integration, and everyday affairs:

Bavarian Refugee Council

The Bavarian Refugee Council (“Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat”) is a human rights organization in Bavaria. It can help you with specific questions about asylum and residence law, e.g. if deportation is imminent. An appointment must be made by phone or email:

Pro Asyl

“Pro Asyl”, a human rights organization working in Germany as a whole, can also help with questions of asylum and residence law. Their service is only available by phone or email:

Counseling Online

Counseling on issues of immigration can also be found online. For example, you can receive free and confidential advice in a chat through the “mbeon” app. This app also offers information in several languages on topics such as work, learning German, health, and family:

Help with Radicalization

If you are dealing with people who develop anti-democratic attitudes, share extremist views or turn to radical ideologies, you can find information and support at:

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