Help with Parenting

Raising children is a big duty. You don’t have to achieve this task alone. If you want to talk with someone, have questions about raising your children or need help, you can find advice and help.

Contents on This Page

Counselling Centers

Parents' Helpline (Elterntelefon)

If you have difficult questions about parenting or you are worried about your child, you can call the parents’ helpline. You don’t have to say your name. The people on the phone are good listeners and can sometimes offer help or tell you where to go for help with your problem.

Practical Help

The Child Protection Association (Kinderschutzbund) has various offers to support families.

  • Family sponsors/godparents (Familienpaten) – For help in everyday life with the children

  • Parents’ course (Elternkurs) – For solutions with problems

  • Foster grandmother/grandfather (Leihoma/Leihopa) – They go to the playground with children, paint, do handicrafts and read

  • Babysitter Agency (Babysittervermittlung)

  • Parent-Child-Groups (Eltern-Kind-Gruppe)

Juvenile Delinquents/Offender

Parenting Guide

You can also find a lot of tips and information online on parenting and raising your children. There are topics, that always happen to all families all the time:

Cleaning and tidying up, boredom, learning and studying, fairy tales, playing, defiant phase