Vocational Training

Trained people are always in demand in Germany. With a high school diploma and an apprenticeship, you and your children have the chance for good and secure work. In training, you earn less money at first, but you learn a lot. After that you can earn more money than without education and find a job more easily. That’s why training is important. Nursing staff and junior staff in manual crafts are particularly in demand.

Contents on this page

Types of training

There are different trainings:

  • Dual training takes place at a company and at vocational school. The advantage is that you learn in school and do the things you have learned in the company.
  • At vocational schools, there is also a full-school education.

If you want to do an apprenticeship, you must submit a request to the Ausländerbehörde.

Which profession is the "right" one?

The first thing you should do is look at different professions to figure out what training you want to do.

Here you can find information on all professions and see how long an apprenticeship lasts and what school-leaving certificate you need:

With Check-U you can test your personal strengths and interests! And find out which apprenticeships or fields of study fit the bill.

Finding training

To find an apprenticeship position, you can contact the employment agency and other agencies. You can also search online or ask companies directly if they have apprenticeships available. It is very important to send a good application. If you have an interview, you’ve taken a big step. Some companies give hiring tests or offer internships before training. This way you can get to know the profession even better.

At the Employment Agency you can register and search for a training position online:

At apprenticeship exchanges you can find online offers for apprenticeships:

Help with the search

For young people up to 27 years of age, there is special help and answers to the questions on the subject of education:

  • How do I find an apprenticeship?
  • How do I write an application?
  • What is important in a job interview?

There are different agencies that can advise and support you in your search for the right profession and an apprenticeship. Even if you don’t yet know which training is right for you, you can get in touch here:

Other places that can help and advise in finding a job and training:

Education pass (Bildungspass)

With the education passport (Bildungspass) you can collect all the important documents for an educational counseling or application and prepare yourself optimally. It is available free of charge to all (newly) immigrated migrants. You can get it here:

Help with training

An apprenticeship means learning, learning, learning. The language, the knowledge at school and the practical things at work – there is always something new. There is often little time and you do not earn much money. If there are problems or questions, it’s good to get help.

Financial Help

In some cases, an application may be submitted to receive additional financial assistance for education.

You can apply for BAföG if you are not yet 30 years old when you start your education. The residence status and income of the parents or spouse are also taken into account.

There is also funding available under the AFBG. This can be applied for regardless of age and income of family members. Here, too, however, a certain residence status is required and only certain advanced training courses are funded.

Find out if you can receive financial assistance and what you need to apply here:

Maximiliansplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 14 21

Support with problems

If you have problems in training, you can contact here for any questions, information and with problems:

State vocational schools

Sabine Stiegelschmitt
State vocational school II
Dr.-von-Schmitt-Straße 12
96050 Bamberg
0951 / 30 28 60

Dr.-von-Schmitt-Straße 12
96050 Bamberg
0951 / 30 28 60

Dr.-von-Schmitt-Straße 12
96050 Bamberg
0951 / 30 28 70

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