When you start your own business there a lot of things you have to consider. Important legal questions must be answered before you can start your own business.
Contents on this page
An own Business
Everybody who wants to start an own business must take into account a lot of things:
- Are there people who need what I can offer?
- What needs to be considered from a legal point of view?
- Which taxes need to be paid?
- What kind of applications need to be submitted?
- Which papers, registrations and approvals are needed?
- Which insurances are required?
- A business plan must be created.
- Do I get financial aid?
- How high is the risk?
So that your business is succesfull, many things mus be settled and legal guidelines must always be followed!
There are places founders get help starting their businesses. They help and advice, so founders don’t forget anything.
- Get help! So the risk is much smaller.
Help starting a business
Here you’ll find important information and adresses:
Maximiliansplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
0951 / 87 – 13 11ür-Unternehmen-und-Gründungswillige/
Ludwigstraße 23
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 85 – 223ündung/
Bahnhofstraße 25
95444 Bayreuth
0921 / 886 0