
There are special offers for advice and support for people with disabilities and their families.

Help for People with Disabilities

There are special and free offers from the EUTB (Ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung- Complementary Independent Participation Advice), for advice and support for people with disabilities and people and their families who are threatened by disabilities. People will get help so that they can take part in life and work again. In addition, there are also other offers of advice and help on the topics of school, work, living, accommodation and leisure time. A representative for people with disabilities in the City of Bamberg and an advisory board for people with disabilities ensure that disadvantages for people with disabilities are eliminated.

Blind and Visually-Impaired

Arm and Leg Amputees

Andreas Köhler
09545 / 44 31 62
0170 / 8 06 05 57

Deaf and Hearing-Impaired

Free Audiometry (Hearing Test)

Children six months and older can have free hearing tests. They will receive suitable hearing aids.

For registeration:
0951 / 50 55 62

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