
If you, as a refugee, want to study in Germany, you need a university admission (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) and very good german language skills. (at least level B2, most of the time C1)
Here you’ll find quick and easy help with questions about studying in Germany.

Important adresses

There is an office at the University, where they will help you with all your questions and paperwork regarding your studies.

You’ll also find information at DAAD. (German academic exchange service)

Akademisches Auslandsamt
Kapuzinerstraße 25 – Room 03.11
96047 Bamberg
0951 – 863 1448

Current contacts for international students without an exchange program:

Advice about Recognition of Foreign Qualifications

What does my professional and academic degree count for in Germany? The bfz will help you with this question.

Lichtenhaidestraße 15
96052 Bamberg
0951 / 93 22 46 12

Brauchen Sie Hilfe?